316L COPLA 3000 PSI
Follow up our previous post title:STAINLESS STEEL 316L COPLA
After China National Holiday,this lot of stainless steel pipe fitting is ready for shipment.and Frank contact with our client’s forwarder on 8th Oct 2018.he booked a container sailing date on 12th Oct 2018.and Frank make all export documents by himself.and Frank also provide Packing list,Commercial Invoice,Bill of Loading and Country of Original for our client.and He also send scan copy of the documents for acknowledgement by our end user.we collect this lot of stainless steel 316l copla 3000 psi BSP DN1-1/2 inch,and stainless steel 45 degree elbow AISI316 SCH80 DN 1 inch by LCL to 20FT container from China to destination port of San Diego.
Then the answer come to us for post tile stainless steel 316L copla on Oct 4th,2018,our end user is from Chile(South American).
Till now,Frank’s job is not finished,and he will follow up the export process and waiting for the sailing of the vessel,then come to send a departure notice to our client,and Frank will also collect the Original Bill of Loading(BL),then send all original Shipping Documents to our client by express,then our stainless steel pipe fittings end user will get the cargo in time and make the import Customs Clearance as soon as possible,and it will never delay for their project.what we do is reduce cost and save time cost for our end user.
Stainless steel 45 degree elbow AISI316 SCH80 DN 1 inch
In this lot of stainless steel pipe fittings,there is another item is stainless steel 45 degree elbow AISI316 SCH80 DN 1 inch.and it is 12 pieces.about stainless steel elbow,there is 45 degree,90 degree and 180 degree.and stainless steel grade is AISI304,AISI304L,AISI316,AISI316L.and there is also with long radius and short radius for elbows.and about the contacting method mainly based on BW,flange welded,threaded connecting,socket welded.
Packing of 316l Copla 3000 PSI
Please look at our professional packing of all our good quality stainless steel pipe fittings.
Name of our product:
Coupling khớp nối,Elbow co cút,CAP Bịt miệng ống,TEE khớp nối T,Reducer Ống nối giảm,Flange mặt bích,WELDING NECK FLANGE Mặt bích hàn cổ,stainless steel 304 or 316 Thép không gì 304 hoặc 316.
Welcome all client visit us and purchase stainless steel pipe fittings from us.